Sunday, May 23, 2010

We can see in the dark

For just a few seconds imagine if you will that you are enclosed in a room totally devoid of any light. At first the room would appear pitch black making it virtually impossible to see anything. And yet, over time however your eyes would begin to adjust to the darkness and something truly amazing would begin to happen. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness something you would begin to see, believe it or not, light!

Now I'm not about to get into a lesson on the physics of light because simply put that would be tantamount to the blind leading the blind!

What I can say with certainty is that in a darkened room our eyes would adjust to the point that they would actually able to sense single photons of light as they penetrated the walls of the darkened room. These photons penetrate and pass through all forms of matter such as our bodies and walls. These photons of light are what our eyes are able to pick up even if we were to be placed in a blackout room.

And this brings me to my point. Being placed in a blacked out room is analogous to, and illustrative of, how the light of the world - Jesus Christ - enlightens the darkened of heart of man. The heart of course isn’t the literal heart but is our mind - our thinking, our reasoning, our understanding and our comprehension.

In the first chapter of the Gospel of John the disciple tells us quite plainly in verse 4 that, “In him (Jesus) was life; and the life was the light of men.” Verse 5 continues by saying “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

John is telling us that in Jesus was life and the life of Jesus was the light of men and that this light shines in the darkness and the darkness just can’t understand this. And yet we can understand from a very simple illustration that light does indeed penetrate even a darkened room devoid of is light.

This light is still with us and still available to us anytime we choose to seek it through Christ’s Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit our darkened minds can be illuminated to His life and His life, told to us in His word, lightens our path which allows us to see our way even as we travel in the dark!

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